Security Guidelines

At kaboCash, your security is of utmost importance to us. To ensure a smooth and secure experience when using the Kabocash app, please follow the guidelines below

Protect Your Credentials

Keep your account credentials, including your PIN, confidential. Never share them with anyone not even with our support team.

Verified PIN Reset Requests

Only initiate a PIN reset directly through our official platform. Avoid responding to unsolicited messages or clicking on suspicious links. Also, make sure that there are no typos on the domain

Security Questions

Before you can be able to reset your PIN, you must have set up security questions that only YOU can answer. These questions should be meaningful to you and will be used to verify your identity during the PIN reset process.

Unique and Strong PIN

Create a unique and strong PIN that is not easily guessable. Avoid using sequential numbers (e.g., 123456, 789012) and repetitive numbers (e.g., 111111, 222222) as they are not allowed.

Log Out After Use

Make sure to always log out of your account after completing transactions or activities.

Update Contact Information

Keep your contact information up to date, including your email address and mobile number via the Kabocash app.

Beware of Phishing

Be cautious of phishing attempts. Always verify the authenticity of any communication before taking any action. If you need clarification, you can always reach out to our support team at

Contact Support

Please remember that we have a dedicated support team available to assist you with any concerns or questions related to your account security. If you ever suspect any unauthorized activity or need assistance with a PIN reset, please contact our support team at immediately.

Contact Us

Have any questions or concerns? We'd love to hear them. Drop us a message and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.

Contact us