Meet Our Data Analyst

Engr. Paul Ronn Mufumba is the Data Analyst of Kabocash Technologies.
As a Data Analyst, Engr. Paul Ronn Mufumba is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to help the company make informed business decisions. He leverages data to identify trends, patterns, and insights that drive operational improvements and strategic planning.

Engr. Paul Ronn Mufumba

Engr. Paul Ronn Mufumba

I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Science (1st Class Hons) in Computer Engineering, Master of Science in Computer Systems and Networks, both duly attested and verified by BRITISH EMBASSY - Eastern Europe.

I have served as Lecturer and Head of Departments - Information & Computing Technologies, and Science & Technology Departments respectively in the Faculty of Science & Technologies.

As a Data Analyst at Kabo Cash Technologies Group, my task include among others, to identify problems to be solved using the collected data from the internal sources like the Company's Client Relationship Management (CRM) Software, Social media - Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), etc. After identifying the problems using the collected data, this data is subjected to analysis, reconciled to eradicate any inconsistencies and to standardize data structures and formats, and to detect syntax errors.

I perform Data Analysis to find trends, correlations and variations to transform it into an "Easy to Understand" graphical format.

Finally, I'm required to interpret the results of my analysis to see how this data will help to solve the identified problems which Kabocash seeks to address.

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