Meet Our Country Director (UG)

Mondera Fatuma is the Country Director for Uganda at Kabocash Technologies.
As a Country Director, Fatuma is majorly responsible for setting the company's direction, leading, maintaining team morale, safety and welfare, managing resources and maintaining oversight and accountability across Uganda.

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Mondera Fatuma

Mondera Fatuma

Mondera Fatuma is an open minded person who is a self driven and tries to be fair in everything she does. Fatuma is a trusted business advisor and mentor to a number of emerging growth enterprises and currently serves in the Board of Directors of the Kabo Cash Technologies. As a Country Director at Kabocash Technologies, Fatuma plays a vital role in the company by directing and controlling the company's operations and gives strategic guidance and directions to the entire staff, the board and other stakeholders to ensure that the company achieves its set goals for ensuring the seamless transactions. Fatuma has acted as General Counsel and a regulatory advisor and business development leader at several emerging growth companies, Sales agent at Tecno Mobile and later worked with Easybuy Limited.

Fatuma graduated from Makerere University with a major in Business Administration and a minor in computer skills. After that, she embarked into the world of work and served in to different industries.

Her 6 years of experience in working with different companies and interacting with a diversity of people has enabled her flourish in a hectic and challenging environment where the creative mind has been an integral component for making her to be unique out of her work and services.

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