Meet Our Country Director (CMRN)

Nyomi Blaise is the Country Director (CMRN) of KaboCash Technologies.
As a Country Director, Nyomi is responsible for setting the company's direction, compliance and accountability guidelines for the company's operations in the entire Country (Cameroon)

Nyomi Blaise

Nyomi Blaise

Nyomi Blaise is an accountant from ACCA and a social entrepreneur who's duty is centered on providing solutions to societal challenges faced by humans on daily basis. His experiences span from managing a microfinance for 3 years to running his own fast food franchise business - (Nyomiifood) and a food delivery company (Jombba) for a combine 8 years period.

Mr. Nyomi also provide consulting services to other businesses in the form of developing business plans, carrying out market research, develop and design company profiles, pitch deck presentation etc. The availability of finding his services on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. Currently, being part of he KaboCash Technologies team is priceless and committed to drives KaboCash Technologies solutions across the Country and African continents at large. At KaboCash Technologies, we ensure all transactions via our channels are cost efficient to maintain customer loyalty to the brand.

Outside the box, Nyomi is extensively passionate in cooking, football, music, jokes and swimming.

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