Meet Our Software Developer

Waiswa Donnie is a Software Developer at Kabocash Technologies.
As a Software Developer at Kabocash, Donnie is responsible for developing mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms, specializing in React Native and various frontend technologies. His role is pivotal in enhancing the global money transfer experience by focusing on usability, security, and efficiency in every project.

Waiswa Donnie

Waiswa Donnie

I'm Waiswa Donnie, and my journey in the tech industry has been an exciting one. I'm a passionate Mobile and Frontend Developer with a strong commitment to crafting exceptional user experiences.

I hold a Bachelor of Science in Applied Information Technology, which laid the foundation for my proficiency in various frontend technologies, with a primary focus on Next.js, React.js, and React Native. My skills encompass Mobile App Development for both iOS and Android platforms, making me a versatile developer in the mobile app space.

Currently, I'm part of the innovative team at Kabocash, where I play a pivotal role in developing mobile applications for global money transfer. It's a privilege to work on projects that enhance the global money transfer experience, focusing on usability, security, and efficiency. I'm dedicated to delivering exceptional user experiences and contributing to the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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